Strip porn games
Strip porn games

strip porn games

Sometimes people ask me, on the porn and virginity forums that I go on frequently, why I don’t just combine my two loves and play porn games more often … and the answer is, well, first of all, sometimes I do. Talk about an addiction! I don’t care, though, I love it. It’s probably because I have gotten so used to having porn on all the time that now I need it to feel sane.

strip porn games

#Strip porn games skin

I just find the familiarity of women’s moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin to be soothing. It’s honestly more of a comfort thing, I think. Obviously, I don’t get to pay the porn nearly as much attention as I’d like to. While I’m playing, every once in a while, when I’m waiting for something to load or I’m getting a little bored with the current storyline, I’ll glance over at the porn and let it invigorate me to finish the mission. Every once in a while, though, I’ll go old school with it and whip out some Metal Gear Solid … great game … a classic, for sure.

strip porn games

Spoiler alert: it’s usually either Mine Craft or Halo. On one monitor I’ll load up one of my favorite porn playlists, and on the other, I’ll play whatever game I’m in the mood for at the time. Sometimes I’ll even get two screens going at once, allowing me to enjoy both of my passions simultaneously. It’s honestly the perfect fix for a guy like me. They are probably the closest thing there is for me to a mental bubble … they allow me to feel a sense of purpose, performing and accomplishing tasks and they bring epic adventures to me, without me ever having to leave my mom’s basement. Therefore, video games are a saving grace in my life. It’s not like there’s a bubble I can put around a mental illness. And unfortunately, short of getting zombied out on Xanax, there isn’t much I can do about it. Do you guys remember that movie? It starred Jake Gyllenhaal played a guy who was allergic to everything and it was so bad that he literally had to live his life in a plastic bubble if he ever wanted to go outdoors? Well, that’s basically me, except for the bubble is not physical, it’s in my brain. Short of being riddled with a million different allergies, I’m basically like the social anxiety equivalent of the Bubble Boy. My crippling social anxiety makes it so that it is literally painful to go out into public.

strip porn games

It isn’t exactly the most thrilling or adventurous of lives, wouldn’t you say? But adventure was never really in the cards for a guy like me. Without that, what am I? I’m just a guy who masturbates a lot and has a body pillow for a girlfriend. I love the challenge and the sense of purpose that gaming gives to me. The second thing, speaking of, is gaming late into the night until my eyes burn from looking at the screen too long. The first is humping my sex doll, Dolly, with whom I frequently cheat on Suki (hey, don’t hate the player, hate the game). Free-Strip-Games! When I’m not fapping to all of the best porn that I can find on the internet or humping my girlfriend, Suki (she’s my body pillow and we have been in a long term committed relationship for around 15 years now), I can most likely be found doing one of two things.

Strip porn games